The messy days

“ There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life”

— Tara Brach



What happens on the days when you just want to throw in the towel?
You feel so tired, yet you keep pushing through it, but all you really want to do is curl up on the couch and
Take a break from everything.
These days are real. They give us information.
Sometimes more often, sometime more rare but they definitely happen.
To everyone.
Does this makes us less engaged and less spiritual?
Does this serve to increase guilt or apathy?
Actually it’s the opposite.
You are embracing the human part of your experience.
The mess. The imperfection.
The pain and the growth.
The blurriness.
And that is ok too.
You meet the emotion.
You meet the state of contraction.
The difference happens when you actively observe it.
Let it be. Instead of suppressing it, repressing or denying it.
Instead of making yourself as the victim or as the “bad guy” that always does everything wrong and can never get it together.
The difference happens when you can see all of this and still decide to stay hooked on it.
This is where we get to practice.
To allow, to relax with the emotions.
Creating space for things to pass through us.
To bring more expansion.
To slowly release the ideas and visions of how things should be.
Maybe on these days things are just messy and imperfect.
And on these days we can learn something too.
Learn about our fixed state, so we can give place to the fluidity in us.
On another day.

With love,


This and other concepts are what we are working on EGO: online workshop. This is a 5 day online workshop, you can access from anywhere in the world at your own pace and schedule - it doesn't need to be done in consecutive days. It's a series of practices, guided meditations and texts to support you to expand.  $38 More info and sign up here.

Mari Orkenyi