
I’m so grateful to share these teachings with you and together bring forward awareness, understanding and clarity around a theme that is so often mistaken and misinterpreted.

The ego.

We are all born with it and have to learn how to work with it. This is a lifetime process. This work is the foundation for understanding more about ourselves, others, how we behave, how we respond, and how we think. This is the reason why we start with understanding more about our ego. When we bring awareness to a topic, usually that topic no longer has “so much power” over us, because we have information, we are aware of it.

So becoming aware of our ego, how it acts and how it speaks to us, when it gets activated it's a major shift, a major life transformation that will unfold other parts of us and like a ripple effect it will impact our lives.  I used the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, the guru behind Autobiography of a Yogi and my Master for all my meditation teachings and 3 books:  The places that scare you (Pema Chodron),  The New Earth (Eckhart Tolle), The Eye of the I (David Hawkins) as the foundation to lead us to some coherent content. All of the texts, practices and guided meditations are my methodology to help you get deeper into the teachings in a very practical and simple way.



You'll need around 20-30 minutes each day (more if you want to go more in depth and take your time writing and listening). The idea is for you to take this time not as part of a to-do list but to really enjoy it, really use it as quality time with yourself.  If for some reason you ended up too busy on one of the days, it's better to skip it and come back here when you are fully available.

All 5 days are available at the same time, so you can really go at your own pace and people that are in different time zones can access it easily as well. 

There is a comment section bellow each day, in case you want to share a comment, an experience or a question. I'll read and answer them all - or you can email me directly.

For the guided meditations, I encourage you to do them sitting down. The guided meditations are not for full "relaxation", it's part of the work we are doing at the workshop. You can sit on a chair, on your bed or couch, just make sure your spine is straight with good support and your knees are confortable, so your body is at ease.

You'll need a notebook, pen or pencil, or you can also use your computer or phone to write, just make sure you don't get distracted by it.

Lastly, I appreciate if you respect our work and please don't share this information.

Mari Orkenyi